Dr. Florian Kessler, LL.M.oec.

Dr. Florian Kessler, LL.M.oec.

Managing Partner

Together with Mrs. He Xing, Dr. Florian Kessler manages WZR's China Desk. He provides legal advice to German companies on matters involving Chinese law.


Dr. Kessler studied law and Chinese. Afterwards, he completed a doctoral studies program for international patent law and was awarded a master's in corporate law.


Dr. Kessler worked at the Deutsch-Chinesisches Institut für Rechtswissenschaft in Göttingen and Nanjing and as a lawyer in Berlin. Between 2006 and 2013, he was responsible for services of German companies entering the Chinese market as a deputy delegate for German businesses at the Chamber of Foreign Commerce (AHK) in Beijing. This has given him a very profound understanding of how legal aspects are interwoven with the practical management processes of a company in China. Clients frequently appreciate his detailed knowledge about regional peculiarities in the practical implementation of Chinese law.


Dr. Kessler has been a visiting professor at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing since December 2010, and he regularly holds lectures there. In 2014 he was appointed as an arbitrator at the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC).


Dr. Kessler has published numerous publications on Chinese law, and as a member of the standardized contracts commission has contributed, inter alia, to the creation of form clauses for German and Chinese joint ventures and guidelines for German and Chinese M&A transactions within the framework of the joint German and Chinese government committee.


Dr. Kessler speaks Chinese fluently.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call him at + 86 10 6590 7595 (ext. 801) or drop him an e-mail at florian.kessler@wzr-china.com.


Publications (excerpt):




Kessler, Florian/Thuemmel, Max (2012): Die Organe der Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung im chinesischen Recht – Eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse, GmbHR 2012, 384-387.


Kessler, Florian/Ludwig, Jutta (2011): IPR-Schutz in China aus Sicht der deutschen Wirtschaft, In: Geistiges Eigentum in China: Aktuelle Entwicklungen & Praktische Ansätze, Herausgegeben: Freimuth/Krieg/Luo/Müller/Schädler, Wiesbaden: Gabler. ISBN 978-3-8349-6454-0


Kessler, Florian/Qiao, Wenbao (2007): "Architekturrecht in der V.R China: Chancen und Grenzen ausländischer Investoren", Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht (ZChinR)


Kessler, Florian/Qiao, Wenbao (2003): „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im chinesischen Patent- und Markenrecht“, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW)




Kessler, Florian (2008): "Verfügbarkeit innovativer patentgeschützter Medikamente für die Weltgesundheit", Frankfurt: Peter Lang (Dissertation). ISBN 978-3-631-57444-7.




Kessler, Florian (2012): Musterklauseln für Deutsch-Chinesische Joint Venture Verträge, Kommentierung der Minority Protection Shareholder Clauses (Chapter 5). Download unter: http://www.gtai.de/GTAI/Navigation/DE/Trade/Recht-Zoll/Wirtschafts-und-steuerrecht/internationales-wirtschafts-und-steuerrecht,t=deutschchinesischer-joint-venturevertrag--musterklauseln-2013,did=760106.html


Kessler, Florian (2009): Commentaries on: Preamble, Art. 6, Art. 7 TRIPS, In: Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law, Volume 7: WTO – Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Herausgegeben von: Stoll/Busche/Arend, Nijhoff/Brill (in englischer Sprache). ISBN 978-9004145672.




Business Focus China (2008): Markteintritt, Praxisorientierter Ratgeber für den deutschen Mittelstand, GIC Deutschland Verlag, Karlsruhe. ISBN 978-3-940114-01-3